An Announcement and Gifts for Tiny Readers

Things have been quiet on the blog front lately, and for very good reason. My brother and his dear wife welcomed a sweet baby girl to the world. Her name is Reagan, and she has stolen our hearts.  

As the only aunt to this precious pumpkin, it's my job to turn her into a little reader. I already told her I'd buy her all of the books she could ever want, but I rounded up a few more things I'd love to give to any future tiny reader.

A onesie with a simple message, Read To Me.

As I've mentioned before, I love these board books of classic literature for baby.

Another favorite brand, Out of Print, also makes adorable book cover onesies. Is it weird to have matching clothes with a baby?

Ian Falconer's classic Olivia in board book form.

And her very own Very Hungry Caterpillar.

A Trying Day

Today was one of those days where nothing seems to go right. Starting a new job is tough. Even though I went into the office today thinking positively after listening to calming music in the parking lot, I was not prepared. As is often the case in the world of media, everything went wrong and 12 hours later, I was finally leaving. After dinner, we decided to go pick out paint chips for some of our upcoming DIY projects, and while getting into the car, I split my pants. If this has never happened to you before, trust me when I say it's just as embarrassing as it sounds.

In an effort to relax, I'm getting lots of snuggles from this little lady...

Lola Scarf

Lola Scarf

And prepping for the weekend by making some sweet tea vodka with my old friend Tito's Handmade Vodka. I see Arnold Palmers in my future.