A Long Day

Sometimes real life can be just like the movies in the worst possible way. So on days like today, when everything just seems so unreal, I go home and snuggle with Lola. Or take a hot shower. Or drink champagne. Or get lost in a good book.  

It also helps to think about this quote:

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day than today. Cheers.

On Resolutions and a New Year

I'm returning to the regularly scheduled programming after a short break that feels like an eternity. Anyone else? In the time I was away, I did a lot of things, including getting married (and the stress leading up to that event, especially for an introvert who avoids the spotlight), traveling to Belize, continuing to travel as part of my newish job and celebrating the holidays with my family. Between wedding, work and family, I don't want to count the number of trips I've made back and forth from Austin to Dallas. It would just make me sad. I got back a little over a week ago, and I'm going back next week. See? I can't talk about it.

Moving on. In the midst of all the of crazy, I also started a new writing project. It's still in the early stages, about 10,000 words right now, but I'm hoping to reach the 50,000 words by the end of the month. Cross your crossable extremities. I'm using Scrivener for this project, and loving it, but I can help but feel I'm barely skimming the surface on all of the features. I'll have to work on that.

So it's the start of a new year, and I'm juggling a lot of things, including being a new wife (what!?), being a homeowner, having a newish job in a very new industry and tackling a big writing projects. And it's also the time for resolutions. Oh, why not? I clearly have loads of time. Here goes...

  1. Finish my writing project.

  2. Learn more about writing and publishing.

  3. Record all of the books I read throughout the year.

  4. Begin renovations on the condo.

  5. Learn how to keep the condo clean.

  6. Cook more often, and try new recipes.

  7. Be open to new friendships.

There you have it. In making this public, I'm subjecting myself to judgement and ridicule. Be kind.

Summer Reading and a Visit to the Country

My job comes with many responsibilities, and I'm learning a lot as I take on this new role. Among other things, my job requires that I travel occasionally. While I wouldn't want to make it a daily thing, traveling occasionally for work can be exciting, even if it's only to small, remote locations. One sure way to get acquainted with coworkers is driving through the cornfields of Oklahoma in a base model rental car during a thunderstorm. While preparing for the trip, I naturally packed reading materials. After a few bad experiences with my Kindle in airports, I always bring paper books in my luggage as well. This time I went for two of my favorites: The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway and Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. I never enjoyed The Old Man and the Sea, but Jake Barnes gets me every time. There's something supremely romantic, yet utterly depressing about these sad, lost expatriates surviving Paris and Pamplona.

However, for this particular trip, I gravitated towards Bradbury, possibly because of his recent death, or possibly because this book takes me back to the hot Texas summers of my youth. If you've shied away from Bradbury because of the science fiction label, this book will make you reconsider. The way Bradbury describes the start of summer in the mythical Green Town, Ill., as told through the eyes of 12-year-old Douglas Spaulding, is magical. I can smell the freshly cut grass and taste the tartness of the dandelion wine.

I try to read this book every summer because it brings me back to simpler times before work and obligations got in the way of a joyous, carefree summer. As we drove through the sprawling Oklahoma countryside, I could almost remember.

A Trying Day

Today was one of those days where nothing seems to go right. Starting a new job is tough. Even though I went into the office today thinking positively after listening to calming music in the parking lot, I was not prepared. As is often the case in the world of media, everything went wrong and 12 hours later, I was finally leaving. After dinner, we decided to go pick out paint chips for some of our upcoming DIY projects, and while getting into the car, I split my pants. If this has never happened to you before, trust me when I say it's just as embarrassing as it sounds.

In an effort to relax, I'm getting lots of snuggles from this little lady...

Lola Scarf

Lola Scarf

And prepping for the weekend by making some sweet tea vodka with my old friend Tito's Handmade Vodka. I see Arnold Palmers in my future.

On Careers

I recently started a new job, which has me thinking about careers. I've always been ambitious and was lucky enough to find a great job in my chosen career field not too long after graduating from college, and again found a great job in a similar field when I moved to Austin. Many of my friends have not been so lucky. As a deadline-driven person, working in public relations and advertising is a great fit. However, these careers often extend beyond the 40 hour work week. As I continue to pursue this line of career, I am increasingly aware of the need for balance. Balance between work and home. Balance between friends and family. Balance between busy time and down time.

As I commit myself to writing, I need to also find time to write in between all of these other important things. I definitely don't have it figured out, but I plan to keep working toward the goal of having a successful career and pursuing my dream of becoming a published author at the same time.

As I work through this challenge, I'll share what does and doesn't work. Do you have any tips for finding time to write and creating balance in life? If you do, I'd love to hear them. And if you're still figuring it out like me, I'd love to hear about that too.

Speaking of balance, check out Martin, a fabulous Labradoodle who achieves amazing feats of balance in and around New York City. She has even been featured in the New York Post! I wonder if I can convince Lola to do that?